Non Profit Banner Request Form
The Westport Downtown Association (WDA), by agreement with the Town of Westport, is authorized to install banners on behalf of itself and other Westport non-profits across Church Lane and Main Street and on certain Town-owned posts and poles. The type of banners allowed are small banners on Town-owned posts and poles on Main Street, Church Lane, Avery Place, Elm Street, and Post Road.
Banners may be hung only to promote events to be held in Westport.
Eligible non-profit organizations are those with a primary address in Westport as well as for-profit organizations that are running a fundraising event exclusively to raise funds for a non-profit organization with a primary address in Westport.
Local non-profits may apply to the WDA for the right to hang banners at any of the approved locations. If the WDA or any other non-profit is hanging banners at the same time as the time requested, the poles will be shared.
The Town of Westport has stated that the WDA may bill the non-profit fees to cover the WDA’s actual costs of installing, maintaining, and removing Small Banners. All applicants will be required to submit a Banner Indemnity and Hold Harmless Agreement and Certificate(s) Of Insurance evidencing the insurance required, thereby listing the Town as an Additional Insured and complying with the other terms of such agreement.
Banners may be printed by the WDA’s contracted printer (GWAY) or by any other printer selected by the non-profit, as long as the size and other specifications are approved by the WDA to ensure quality. Specs and contact information will be provided after the dates for banner reservations have been confirmed.
Cost for 20 identical banners if ordered from GWAY directly: $975 (pre-tax)
Cost for labor for 20 banners to be hung + removed: $800
Cost for WDA admin processing: $200
Banners will be swapped out around the first of every month, event and weather permitting. They will be up for a minimum of three weeks. The WDA cannot store the banners for your organization. They must be picked up within 48 hours of removal.
The Hold Harmless Agreement must be completed and signed along with the Certificate of Insurance and sent to and CC Then, we will forward it to the town for approval.
Once the town approves, will forward the invoice, and then banners can be installed.